So it took me 7 months, but I finally uploaded all the pictures off of my camera. I thought I would share the wealth while giving a final wrap up on 2010.
(Above)Here's Kelsha at our old apartment and (Below) me making dinner. Kelsha was a regular at our apartment. She came over at least once a week for dinner and long chats. We miss her a lot, but are happy that she is serving the Lord in Argentina.
One of the best parts about 2010 was having both of my sisters (Maren and Sammi) relocate to Logan. It has been awesome to have them nearby!
Here we are chilling in the snow. Out to dinner for a friend's birthday.
Our favorite Sunday night activity, of course since we started our sugar free diet the hot cocoa has been traded with sugar free hazelnut steamers.
Brent's brother Troy plays for his high school football and basketball teams, since we are nearby we get to go to most of his games. Here we are at a football game, I am trying to get a cute picture and Brent is clearly focused on the game :)
More Halloween--- Us as a 1950's couple.
I have the greatest job. I get to play with kids and get paid for it. Here is a picture of me on the day we did blind centers. The kids did activities that helped them understand the difficulties of being blind. Let's just say I rocked blind sewing.
One of the best parts of my job is that I get to make things to bring home. Even though we don't have kids yet, our fridge is always covered in elementary art work. Brent is always very appreciative of my artistic talents :)
Brent is a great cook, here he is making some plantains
We had a great Christmas this year. Below are two of the puppets I made for my nephews Corgan and Greyson.
Here is Brent and I after hot tubbing at my parents.
Riley and Ashley had us over for an ugly sweater party. We had a blast, and looked ridiculous in the process.
As luck would have it we won not one, but TWO Justin Bieber calendars in the white elephant gift exchange.
Overall it has been an amazing year. We accomplished a lot in school and work-- and we played, a lot! We are looking forward to what 2011 has in store for us (by the looks of things a lot of Bieber Fever).
you guys are just as cute as can be, blog more ;)
ReplyDeleteBahaha, love the calendars. *snort* What a fun year you've had!