So.... Katie and I have this thing in our marriage where we really like to share everything. Being in love kind of entails wanting to be together, which carries with it the implicit need to share. However, there are a few limits that I am going to extend to my beautiful little ray of sunshine as to things that we CANNOT AND WILL NEVER share. Ever.
1) Katie has this amazingly cute habit of sneaking bites of my sandwiches after I have made them but before I have had a chance to take a bite myself. However, instead of taking a bite from the outside like a normal person, she chooses to take a bite by folding the sandwich in half and taking a bite from the middle, effectively leaving me an inverse donut and robbing me of my sandwich-eating-pleasure. This is why I love her. Always so creative. However, it must stop.

2) Dessert. Period. That is my man-bliss time, and yet a bite is always reserved for her. I am happy to do it, but again: it must stop!
3) Katie came home with aches and a headache Tuesday night, so she went and laid down for a bit while I tried to keep the house in some semblance of order. Wednesday she woke up feeling worse and started in with the chills while we were at work. Worried? You bet I was. We were supposed to go bowling, but upon seeing the 103 degree readout on the thermometer, that was immediately cancelled. I woke up Thursday, happy to see my bride staying home from work for some well-deserved rest. However, as I came home Thursday from work, guess who has two thumbs and was sick too? This guy!!! I came home and crashed with her and haven't been up out of bed since. We are now on antibiotics and the road to recovery, but strep throat is not something that needs to be shared. Period.
I look back at our two previous posts and realize that this may sound like a complaint forum, but I really don't mean it to be so. Katie and I really enjoyed our weekend home together, even though we missed my family's big Park City weekend that we do ever year. I am really sad that we missed it, but really happy that Katie and I were able to have an AWESOME weekend together. My amazing wife found this stupendous website that streams every episode of BOY MEETS WORLD ever. Not so bummed about being sick anymore? You bet I wasn't. All in all, it was a great weekend that showed both of us how in love we really are and how perfect Katie is for me. Even though she was sick and in pain, she still served me like the lovingly perfect wife that she is. I LOVE YOU, WEIRDO!!!! You are the absolute most amazing, beautiful, perfect woman that I've ever known, and I'm blessed to have you.
I hope you guys get better soon. I also hope you plan on sharing the treasure that is this Boy Meets World Link..