13 November 2011

the first trimester

We are THRILLED to announce that we are expecting! We are due on May 19. I am currently 13 weeks along. We are so grateful to be pregnant. It has already been a great learning experience for both of us.

So far in my first trimester I have been feeling pretty sick. Brent has been great at helping take care of me. The hardest thing has been having low energy. I am student teaching right now and it takes all of my energy to make it through the day. Poor Brent has had to get used to me going to bed at 7:30 every night. Our weekends have been great for recovery. I spend most of the weekend asleep or in bed reading.

I'd say I haven't had many weird cravings yet, but Brent might disagree. I am starting to turn the corner on the nausea, but for the last 8 weeks Brent has had to play "guess what Katie can eat today" I have gone through a few different phases so far. For the first few weeks all I wanted were hash browns drenched in maple syrup.

Then one night Brent started to make them and I got sick and said no more. After that all I wanted was cereal and lots of strawberry milk. This week I have been craving sno-cones/slushies/smoothies.
Brent has become the resident chef while I can't stand being in the kitchen. He does a great job :)

Brent has also been good about cheering me on and keeping things light. He likes to tease me about my hormone changes. So what if I cry about Hallmark commercials, episodes of Grey's Anatomy, Bones, Project Accessory, Mormon Messages, Kenny Loggins songs, blog posts that mentions babies, and running out of chocolate milk? Who doesn't?

Despite not feeling well lately, I have been so grateful that I wake up every morning feeling pregnant. I don't want to complain about the morning sickness, exhaustion, nausea or any other symptom. I am grateful everyday that I get to feel this way. Brent has been a rock star at helping me. He's even had a few sympathy cravings (bran muffins and diet dr. pepper).

We had our first ultrasound on Friday and everything looks great. The baby has a strong heart beat and is growing well. We will have our next ultrasound on December 15 and we will get to find out the gender then!

My favorite part of blogs are pictures of babies. So here is our baby's first photo shoot:


  1. Congrats Katie!! The sickness is all worth it once you hold your little baby. People used to tell me that when I was pregnant and I didn't believe them, now I do!!! Babies are the best!!! I'm so happy for you!

  2. Seriously, congrats! I can't even begin to explain to you how wonderful parenthood is. And your attitude is refreshing - It's hard to stay positive when you are sick all the time but those little babes are more than worth it. Oh and.. i cry at all of things when i am NOT pregnant... so I think you are in the clear to cry extra when it comes to any of those things.

  3. I love the pictures of the baby! It looks like a person not a gummy bear! this is such an exciting part of life. The second tri is usually the best so I hope you continue to feel better!

  4. Yay! That is fantastic! I am so happy for you two!

  5. Yay! I am seriously so excited for you guys! You are going to be such a fun mom!

  6. Congratulations! I am really excited for you! I also just wanted to say that I totally get the smoothie/slushie craving, and a nice way to fix that one is by freezing orange juice in a mug for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Then just mash it a little with a fork and it's all slushy-like. Seriously, you'll get addicted. The texture is unbelievable because the pulp keeps it from going too solid and you end up with delicious, tiny frozen OJ flakes. Of course, you can freeze it all day and just pull it out for a while to thaw a little at night, too.

    Wow, long comment about OJ. Congrats, again!

  7. I'm so thrilled for you guys!!!! Our babies will be close in age, they will have to be friends :) Love love love love this!

  8. Congrats you guys! Props to Brent for cooking all the weird craving foods. We're so excited for you two!

  9. COngrats!! this is so exciting! you guys will be awesome parents!! I totally understand the crying over chocolate milk and greys anatomy!! :) let me know if there is anything that I can do for ya!

  10. happy happy high fives! love you guys!

  11. Even though Ry already commented I still want to. I am so excited for you guys! I can't wait for our little babies to be cute little buddies. Such great news. Hopefully see you soon.

  12. So excited for you guys! Our babies can be besties:) glad you're starting to feel better and out of the yucky 1st trimester!
